



The X factor in 2013

Last Thursday, Invisalignnew south wales Supreme Court justice David Hammerschlag found that seven Melanie brown have a sole agency agreement, to prevent her appear in any other Australian television networks, on January 31, 2014.
Nine signed by MEL B real entertainment series Australia talented (AGT), believe that she is a free agent, because she didn't appear in the X factor in 2013.
Nine now find the AGT judging panel replacement, but seven is declared MEL B will appear in the X factor.
In court cases, old seven is ready to use MEL B in 2013, the X factor.tea pot infuser
But it is uncertain whether seven spice now to restart negotiations.
"Seven network, welcomed the decision of the court insists its contract with MEL B and prevent her breach of contract work for the competition in 2013," seven spokeswoman told AAP day (Thursday).
7 insider said the court's case is about the principle.
To ensure that "on the contract, and trustworthy," the seven sources told AAP.
"We were just let her go, but this would mean that the contract does not mean anything.
"So, it's a matter of principle."
Nine, said it will stand in the court's ruling, judge and start looking for AGT panel replacement.向日葵纖體美容好唔好


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